Car breakdown! What to do? Learn how to respond properly

If you own a car, it is inevitable that sooner or later a breakdown or problem will occur. Whether it’s a dead battery, flat tire or engine failure, it’s important to know how to respond to these situations. In this article, we will give you the most important tips on how to act properly when your car breaks down and how to keep yourself and your vehicle safe.
First and foremost, it is always important to remain calm during a breakdown. Often motorists get nervous and do not know what to do. However, it is important to think clearly and proceed step by step. We will explain to you, step by step in this article, what is the best course of action when your car breaks down.

Responding to a car breakdown

When you have a car breakdown, it’s important to act immediately. Depending on the situation and the location, there are several things you can do to get back on the road quickly and safely.

Sabbatical year adventure: tips and legal basics

Taking a sabbatical or time off to recharge one's batteries is a tempting idea for many employees. Although there is no specific law regulating the sabbatical year in Germany, employees can agree on the sabbatical year with their employer.

In this article, we provide tips and clarify the legal principles to successfully plan and implement the sabbatical year. It covers the duration and financing of the sabbatical year, the advantages and disadvantages, the legal framework to consider, and much more.

7 tips for successful renovation

Anyone planning a renovation or refurbishment usually faces a major challenge. Remodeling projects can quickly become expensive and require careful planning. But with a few tips you can reduce costs and achieve an optimal result at the same time.

The first step is an accurate analysis of the current situation. Here, you should get an idea of the scope of the work and the condition of the materials. Then you can prepare a budget plan and determine the best course of action in consultation with a professional or specialist.


The opinion of customers is crucial for any business. Customer surveys are an effective way to capture customer experiences and perceptions. There are different types of customer surveys, each with a specific objective. Some of the most important types of customer surveys include customer satisfaction surveys, customer experience surveys, market research and competitive analysis, product surveys, complaint handling surveys, Net Promoter Score surveys, and marketing strategy improvement surveys. However, surveys can only be effective if they are well structured and worded. This article takes a closer look at the seven main types of surveys, and discusses tips and examples to ensure that surveys provide useful insights into customer perceptions. Whether you're just starting to create surveys or trying to improve an existing strategy, this article offers valuable insights into the world of customer surveys. Read on to learn more about how you can better understand your customers' opinions and improve your customer satisfaction strategy.

Types of customer surveys and how they measure customer satisfaction

The customer satisfaction survey is an important tool for measuring customer satisfaction and identifying areas for improvement in organizations. There are seven types of customer surveys that can be used depending on the company's concerns.

Dubai, the landmark of wealth and luxury, is known for its incredible skyscrapers, luxurious hotels, vibrant shopping malls and beautiful desert landscapes. Dubai is not only a tourist destination but also an important business center. Many business people and tourists visit Dubai to attend meetings, close deals or just enjoy the beauty of this city.

If you are planning to travel to Dubai, there are some important things you should consider. Dubai is tolerant and liberal, but still there are some rules and social norms that should be followed. To ensure your trip to Dubai goes smoothly, here are some tips for tourists and business people looking to work and live in Dubai.

5 Tips for successfully financing a semester abroad

Gaining an experience abroad is a true dream for many students. Whether it's to experience a new culture, improve your language skills or even to further your career, a semester abroad can be the perfect step to do this. But for many students the question arises: How can I finance this??? In this article, you will get five tips on how to finance your semester abroad without going into debt. The first tip refers to the possibilities of financing through scholarships. There are a variety of offers here, provided by the universities themselves or also by organizations and foundations. To receive a scholarship, however, usually requires a very good academic performance as well as a high level of commitment in the social and cultural spheres. Another tip is the possibility to complete a semester abroad as an internship. Not only can you gain valuable experience, but you can also cover some of the costs with an internship salary or compensation from your employer. You can find suitable internship offers, for example, at companies or also at the German Chamber of Commerce abroad. As a third tip, it is advisable to look for a part-time job. However, you should make sure that the work permit in your host country is in accordance with the regulations and that you still keep an eye on your studies. However, a part-time job can help you to cover your costs for accommodation and meals on site. A fourth tip is to consider taking out a loan. Here there are different offers from banks or even special student loans for students. It is important, however, that you draw up a realistic repayment plan and take care not to accumulate excessive debts during your studies. Last but not least, our fifth tip is to use online platforms and crowdfunding. Here you can gain potential supporters for your semester abroad, who would like to support your plans financially. You can also draw attention to yourself in this way in social networks or special forums for students abroad. Summary: Financing a semester abroad is no easy feat, however, there are a variety of ways to fulfill this dream. Through early and careful planning and research, you can find the financing option that is right for you and experience an unforgettable semester abroad.

Tips for financing a semester abroad

BAföG is one way of financing a semester abroad. BAföG stands for Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (Federal Education and Training Assistance Act) and is a financial support for pupils and students. The application for BAföG must be submitted in time and there are certain requirements that must be met. This includes, for example, proof of sufficient performance in your studies and the amount of your parents' financial support income. It is important to find out early on whether you are eligible for BAföG and how much funding you will receive.

12 Python tips and tricks every data scientist should know

Python has become the preferred language in data science and is used by many leading companies and organizations. Whether it’s creating models, manipulating data, or creating visualizations, Python is a versatile language that allows you to solve complex problems.

If you are a data scientist using Python, there are certain tips and tricks that can help you work more effectively. In this article, we’ve compiled 12 tips and tricks recommended by experienced Python developers. From using Jupyter notebooks to optimizing code, these tips will help you improve your Python skills and increase your productivity.

3 Tips for creating a successful and sustainable business

You have a great idea for a business and are ready to get started? Congratulations! However, every business has its own challenges. Creating a successful and sustainable business takes a lot of work, commitment and time. But where to start? Here are 3 tips that can help you get your business on the right track.
1. Define your vision and mission
Before you start your business, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Define your vision and mission as precisely as possible. What is the purpose of your business? What products or services will you offer? Who are your target customers? A clear vision and mission will help you not only to achieve your goals, but also to motivate and inspire your employees and customers.
2. Build a strong team
Successful businesses are nothing without a strong and dedicated team. Make sure you hire the right people who share your vision and mission and can help make it a reality. Offer training and education to improve your employees’ skills and make sure your employees feel valued and motivated.
3. Focus on sustainability
Sustainability is an important factor for the long-term success of your business. Build in sustainable business practices to improve your environmental footprint, cut costs and show your customers you’re taking responsibility. This could include using energy efficient technologies, reducing waste or using environmentally friendly products.
By taking these 3 tips to heart and focusing on a sustainable, forward-thinking business, you can lay the groundwork for a successful startup and make your business successful in the long run.

Tips for successful and sustainable business development

Clear market positioning is critical to a company’s success. This means that you should deliberately focus on a niche or specific target group and emphasize the uniqueness of your product or service. A clearly defined brand image and strong positioning will help attract customers and win new business partners.

5 Important financial tips for people in their 30s

In your 30s, you’re often at a crucial point in your life: your career picks up steam, sometimes you start a family, and your income increases, too. At the same time, these changes bring new financial challenges. That’s why it’s especially important to think about your financial situation and take appropriate action. Here are five financial tips that can help you do just that:

1. Set a budget and stick to it

6 tips to share the road with cyclists

The number of cyclists on German roads has been increasing for years. This is partly due to the growing popularity of cycling as an environmentally friendly and healthy sport, but also due to the Corona pandemic, which has caused many people to ditch their cars more often and switch to bicycles. However, not every motorist is used to sharing the road with bicyclists, and dangerous situations occur all the time. That’s why we’ve put together 6 tips for you as a motorist to be safe and considerate of cyclists on the road.

One of the most important tips is to always keep a sufficient distance to cyclists. This means not only keeping a safe distance of at least 1.5 meters when overtaking, but also leaving enough space at intersections, junctions and turns. This is where dangerous situations occur time and time again when motorists overlook cyclists or give them priority.